
Introducing the Day One Forum

Ask questions, get help from our team of experts, and connect with other Day One users on the Day One Forum.

We’re excited to announce the launch of the Day One Forum. Our goal with this forum is to create a space where Day One users can connect, share tips and tricks, ask questions, and get help from each other and our team of experts.

We’ve designed the Forum to be easy to use and navigate so you can find the information you need. The Day One Forum is a public space for asking questions related to the Day One mobile apps, the Day One web version (beta), or integrations. If you use the free version of Day One, the forum is the best place to get support from other users and our team.

Here are just a few of the features you can expect from our new support forum:

  • Expert advice and guidance from our support team
  • The ability to ask questions and get answers
  • Access to a community of fellow Day One users sharing their best tips
  • Helpful articles and resources to help you troubleshoot issues
  • An easy-to-use search function to help you find what you need quickly

Whether you’re a long-time user or just getting started with Day One, our forum is the perfect place to get the help you need. If you need help troubleshooting an issue, want to seek advice on how to use a particular feature, or just want to connect with other Day One users, we encourage you to join the conversation in our forum today. Check out these helpful tips for guidelines for posting including security best practices and initial troubleshooting steps.

Premium Support

Day One Premium users continue to have access to priority support. To access Premium support, go to Day One on iOS/Android > Settings > Support > Contact Support. From here, start an email with the default mail client. Be sure to contact support using the email/account associated with your Premium subscription.

Journal from here, there, everywhere.

Download the Day One journal app for free on iPhone, Android, iPad, Mac, and Apple Watch.

Journal from here there and everywhere mobile devices image.
Android screenshot