Journaling Techniques

4 Reasons to Keep a Couple’s Journal

Keeping a couple's journal with your significant other is a great way to connect on a deeper level. Here are a few reasons and ideas to start.

Ever feel like you get to the end of a busy week, and haven’t had a single moment to really connect with your partner? Maybe you’re both working from home, and work has been bleeding into mealtime. Or perhaps you’re both exhausted after a long day of running after two kids under five, and don’t have the energy to talk about anything besides what’s for dinner.

There’s nothing wrong with occasionally turning to a TV show and a pint of ice cream to bond with your other half — but if you care about maintaining a lasting connection, it’s critical that you also dedicate intentional effort toward understanding your partner on a deeper level. No matter how well you think you know them, they’re always changing, and keeping up with who they’re becoming will pay dividends toward your longterm happiness together!

Keeping a couple’s journal with your significant other is a great way to commit to connecting on a deeper level, and the benefits are almost endless. Let’s get down to some of the reasons couples should journal together.

1. Connect on a Deeper Level

Communication is the cornerstone of any successful relationship, and shared journals in Day One offer an intimate space for couples to communicate meaningfully. Just the act of journaling together—regardless of the topic or outcome—can foster open and honest conversations. Think of a couple’s journal as a platform to express thoughts, feelings, and experiences that may not come up in day-to-day conversations.

Here are some prompts you can answer together:

  • What is one value that my partner and I share?
  • What are some ways I’ve seen my partner grow?
  • What is one way we communicate effectively?
  • I feel most loved when my partner …

2. Share Memories

When you keep a couple’s journal, you can document and relive cherished memories together. Whether you upload photos from a spontaneous date night, a voice memo from a special trip, or a quick text entry reflection on a simple moment of joy, couples can capture experiences in real-time. Looking back on these moments allows couples to appreciate the positive experiences they’ve shared, reinforcing their bond.

Here are some journaling prompts for sharing memories:

  • What do I remember about when we first met?
  • What were my first impressions of you?
  • When did I first feel attracted to you?
  • What was our first date like?

3. Plan Milestones and Events

A couple’s journal isn’t just about the past; it’s also a great tool for planning the future together! Couples can use the platform to set goals, outline milestones, discuss their dreams and aspirations, and brainstorm bucket list items.

Here are some journaling prompts for planning together:

  • What is one goal I have this year?
  • How can my partner support me in achieving this goal?
  • If we could go anywhere in the world together, I’d pick…
  • In five years, I see us…

4. Plan and Document Travel

For couples who love to travel, a couple’s journal is a great place to document a trip. Each partner can contribute their perspective, from itinerary suggestions to favorite memories. After the trip is over, both partners can look back on their shared memories until it’s time for the next adventure!

Here are some journaling prompts for planning and documenting travel:

  • What am I most excited for during our trip?
  • What is my favorite memory from our trip?
  • What was I most surprised by at [destination]?
  • I thought my partner seemed happiest during…

How to Use Day One’s Shared Journals as a Couple’s Journal

Shared Journals in the Day One app are a great way for couples to communicate, document memories, and plan for the future. Communication in relationships is key, but it’s not always easy to prioritize. By actively engaging in a digital journaling experience together, couples can deepen their connection, celebrate shared experiences, and lay the foundation for a fulfilling and enduring relationship for years (even decades!) to come.

an example of a couple's journal

1. Download the free Day One app.

Day One is a free journaling app available for iPhone, iPad, Android, Mac, and even the web. You can download Day One for free here. Day One recently introduced Shared Journals, a new way to privately share a journal with your significant other.

2. Create your first Shared Journal.

In order to create a Shared Journal, you’ll need to subscribe to Day One Premium. As a Premium member, you can create unlimited Shared Journals. Those you invite can access your Shared Journal for free. Create your first Shared Journal, giving it a creative name.

how to start a couple's journal with Day One

3. Invite your significant other.

In the journal’s settings, simply tap the “Add members” button to generate a sharable link. You’ll be able to share the invite link via a text message, email, or even AirDrop.

4. Start writing your story together!

Each person in the Shared Journal can now create new entries and even comment and react. With each new entry, you can share memories, dreams, thoughts, and reflections that deepen your connection and strengthen your relationship.

Happy writing, and may your couple’s journal be filled with countless moments of joy, laughter, and love!

Download the Day One Journal App Today

The Day One journaling app makes it easy to journal together.
Download Day One for free now.

About the Author

Phoebe Kranefuss is a freelance writer and marketer based in Madison, Wisconsin. She’s a lifelong journaler and (almost) daily writer. She studied English Literature at Bowdoin College, is currently pursuing her MFA in fiction at University of Wisconsin–Madison, and has written for and worked with healthtechs including MonumentNOCD, and more.

Journal from here, there, everywhere.

Download the Day One journal app for free on iPhone, Android, iPad, Mac, and Apple Watch.

Journal from here there and everywhere mobile devices image.
Android screenshot