
20 Gratitude Journaling Prompts to Inspire More Thankfulness

Gratitude journaling offers a simple way to celebrate what we are grateful for in our lives on a more regular basis. The simple act of reflecting on what you’re thankful for and then listing these things out can be a surprising exercise in appreciating the abundance that surrounds us every day.

Taking time to pause and identify the things you’re truly grateful for right now can change the way you feel about your life. Even better? Recent studies on how gratitude changes you and your brain have shown that practicing gratitude can make you happier, give you a greater sense of joy, and increase your optimism even in the face of adversity. Gratitude journaling may even be linked to a better night’s sleep. 

“Thanks are the highest form of thought, and gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.”
– G.K. Chesterton

20 Gratitude Journaling Prompts

Keeping a gratitude journal can be even easier if you have a set of gratitude journaling prompts. Gratitude journaling prompts are questions that help you get into a gratitude mindset to reflect on all the things in your life that you are grateful to have.

Here are 10 gratitude journaling prompts to help inspire your next gratitude journaling session.

1. What is one good thing that I often take for granted?

on something that consistently contributes to your daily routine or wellbeing, but doesn’t always get acknowledged. It could be as basic as the roof over your head, a steady internet connection, or the availability of clean water. Recognize its role in your life and ponder on how it enhances your day-to-day existence.

2. Who do I need to thank?

Take a moment to think about someone who has had a positive impact on your life recently, but whom you haven’t properly thanked. It could be a colleague, friend, family member, or even a stranger. Consider the specific actions or support they provided and how it made a difference for you. Reflect on why their gesture was meaningful and how you might express your gratitude to them.

3. What are three things I’m grateful for, no matter how small?

Focus on identifying three aspects of your life, however minor, that bring you joy, comfort, or satisfaction. These could be simple pleasures like the warmth of sunlight on your skin, the taste of your favorite food, or the comfort of your bed. Acknowledge these sources of happiness and consider why each one is significant to you, regardless of its simplicity.

4. What do I appreciate about myself?

Reflect on your personal qualities, achievements, or aspects of your character that you value. This could range from your sense of humor, your resilience in tough times, to a recent accomplishment, no matter how small. Consider how these traits have positively impacted your life and why it’s important to recognize and appreciate these aspects of yourself.

5. What made me smile today?

Recall a moment from your day that brought a smile to your face. It could be a kind gesture from someone else, a funny incident, a personal achievement, or simply a pleasant thought. Reflect on why this moment was joyful and how it affected your mood for the rest of the day.

6. What is a happy memory from my childhood?

As you reflect on this happy memory, allow yourself to travel back in time. Describe the sights, sounds, and sensations that surrounded you. What made that moment so special? How did it make you feel? What life lessons or lasting joy did it impart?

7. What am I grateful for in this moment?

Pause to think about what you appreciate right now. It could be something as simple as a hot cup of coffee, a phone call with a friend, or a quiet moment of solitude. Write down what you’re grateful for in this very moment.

8. Who are three people in my life that I am grateful for?

Think about the people who enrich your life, inspire you, or simply bring joy to your days. Write down the names of these individuals and briefly explain why you’re grateful for their presence.

9. What is something I am grateful to have learned?

Consider a valuable lesson or concept you’ve acquired in your life, whether big or small. It could be a piece of wisdom from a friend, a new skill from a class, or a life lesson from personal experiences. Reflect on why this knowledge is important to you.

10. What do I love about where I live?

Take a moment to appreciate the place you call home. Consider the aspects of your surroundings that bring you joy and contentment, whether it’s friendly neighbors, a beautiful view, the convenience of local amenities, or the sense of community. Reflect on what you love about where you live.

11. Write a letter of gratitude to someone you’ve always wanted to thank ….

Who do you need to thank? Write a heartfelt letter to that person, acknowledging their positive impact, kindness, or support. Share why you appreciate them and how their actions have made a difference in your life.

12. What are three reasons I am glad to be alive?

Consider what makes your life wonderful, and pick three reasons why you’re happy to be here. These could be simple things, like sunny days, the taste of your favorite meal, the thrill of pursuing your passions, or the company of loved ones. Write them down now.

13. What are three things I appreciate about nature?

Think about the elements of the natural world that you find most captivating or soothing. This could be the tranquility of a forest, the majesty of the ocean, the beauty of a sunset, or the songs of birds. Consider why these aspects of nature are special to you and how they affect your mood, thoughts, or perspective on life.

14. What brings me joy?

Reflect on the moments, activities, or experiences that bring happiness to your life. Think about what genuinely makes you smile and feel content. It could be spending time with loved ones, pursuing a favorite hobby, witnessing acts of kindness, or simply savoring a good meal.

15. Who has supported me during difficult times?

Take a moment to think about the people who have stood by your side when life got tough. Consider those who offered a listening ear or a caring gesture during challenging moments. Reflect on their presence and the support they provided.

16. What is a simple delight I have been enjoying lately?

Consider the small sources of joy that have been brightening your days lately. It might be the taste of your favorite snack, a warm hug, a good book, or a beautiful sunset. Reflect on these little delights and write about what has been making you smile in the simplicity of everyday life.

17. In what ways have I grown as a person over the last year?

Take a moment to reflect on the changes and personal growth you’ve experienced in the past year. Consider the lessons learned, challenges overcome, or new perspectives gained.

18. What activities do I enjoy?

Think about the activities and hobbies that bring you joy and fulfillment. Consider what you love to do in your free time, whether it’s reading, gardening, painting, cooking, or hiking. Write down the activities that make you happy and why you find them enjoyable

19. What is the best thing that happened this past week?

Recall the past week and pinpoint a standout moment or event that brought you joy, satisfaction, or a sense of achievement. Describe this positive experience and why it stood out for you.

20. What is a talent or skill that I’m grateful to possess?

Think about a specific talent or skill that you’ve honed over time, no matter how big or small. It could be something like your knack for problem-solving, your ability to make people laugh, or your talent for organization. Write about this skill and why you’re grateful to have it.

Bonus: What have I learned from gratitude journaling?

Reflect on your experience with gratitude journaling and write about the insights or lessons you’ve gained. Consider how it has affected your perspective, your appreciation for life’s blessings, or your overall sense of well-being.

Get More Journal Prompts

As you continue your journaling journey, check out this list of over 550+ journal prompts to explore more gratitude prompts, daily and evening prompts, prompts for self-discovery, and many more.

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About the Author

Kristen Wright is the author of three books on journaling, including The Transformation Year, a year-long series of daily journal prompts. With a passion for writing and self-reflection, Kristen uses her experience with journaling to help others discover the benefits of documenting their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. In her role at Day One, she helps to promote the power of journaling so people from all walks of life can experience the transformative power of journaling.

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