Journaling Techniques

20 Inspiring Photo Journaling Ideas & Examples

Photo journaling captures the essence of experiences and emotions, allowing us to revisit them with vividness and depth. By combining visual imagery and written reflections, your journal can paint a comprehensive picture that extends beyond what words alone can convey. A journal can become a visual diary that tells the story of our lives, preserving the sights, textures, and details that fade with time. Through photo journaling, you can preserve memories, enabling us to relive cherished moments, learn from our past, and gain a deeper understanding of ourselves.

In this post, we’ll explore how to start photo journaling with ideas, examples, and tips to inspire your own journaling practice.

What is Photo Journaling?

Photo journaling is a creative journaling practice that combines elements of photography and journaling. You can use photo journaling to document your experiences, thoughts, and emotions through a combination of photographs and written entries.

In a photo journal, people typically use photographs to convey the visual aspects of their experiences, such as landscapes, objects, people, or events. Photos are often accompanied by written entries that provide context, descriptions, emotions, or reflections related to the photographs. The written component can include personal anecdotes, thoughts, feelings, or any relevant information that enhances the story or captures the essence of the moment.

Photo journaling is a creative journaling practice that combines elements of photography and journaling. You can use photo journaling to document your experiences, thoughts, and emotions through a combination of photographs and written entries.

Photo journaling can be done in various formats, including digital journaling, physical journals, online blogs, or social media platforms. The benefits of photo journaling include preserving memories, self-expression, self-reflection, and creative exploration. Photo journaling can be a therapeutic activity, helping individuals process their emotions, explore their creativity, and gain insights into their lives. Photo journaling can serve as a valuable tool for storytelling, communication, and sharing experiences with others.

A person takes a photo on their smartphone for photo journaling

Photo Journaling Tips

If you’re new to photo journaling, you may be wondering how to get started. Here are a few tips for how to start:

1. Choose a journaling format that makes photo journaling easy.

Determine the format that works best for you, whether it’s a physical journal, a digital journaling platform or journaling app like Day One, or a combination of both. Select a format that allows you to easily capture, organize, and revisit your photo journal entries.

Since printing photos can be expensive and inconvenient, going all digital with your smartphone camera and a journaling app like Day One can be an easy way to get started with photo journaling.

2. Keep your camera handy.

Use your smartphone or carry a camera to be ready to capture moments and scenes that resonate with you. Take advantage of spontaneous opportunities for unique and authentic photos.

3. Capture details.

Pay attention to small details and elements that can convey a deeper meaning or evoke specific emotions. These can include textures, colors, patterns, or expressions that add richness to your photo journal entries.

4. Embrace imperfections.

Don’t worry about capturing the “perfect” photo. Embrace imperfections and allow them to add character and authenticity to your photo journal. Focus on the story and meaning behind each image.

5. Be consistent.

Establish a regular photo journaling routine. Set aside dedicated time to review and reflect on your photos, write entries, and organize your journal to maintain a consistent practice.

6. Reflect and review.

Take time to reflect on your photo journal entries. Revisit previous entries to observe patterns, track progress, and gain insights into your growth and experiences.

20 Photo Journaling Ideas & Examples

From capturing the beauty of nature to exploring personal growth and reflections, each of these photo journaling ideas is designed to preserve memories, evoke emotions, and deepen your connection with the world around you.

1. A Day in the Life

Dedicate a photo journal entry to capturing the essence of a typical day in your life. Document the various activities, routines, and moments that make up your daily existence:

  • Choose a specific day to focus on and commit to documenting it from morning to night. Capture photos of your waking moments, morning rituals, meals, work or school activities, leisure time, and evening routines.
  • Embrace a mix of candid shots and curated compositions to capture the authenticity and beauty of your day. Experiment with different perspectives, lighting, and angles to add visual interest to your photos.
  • Write brief journal entries alongside each photo, describing the significance of the moment captured, the emotions experienced, or reflections on the activities or interactions.
  • Include both significant and seemingly mundane moments to provide a comprehensive representation of your day. Find beauty in the ordinary and appreciate the small details that often go unnoticed.
  • Reflect on the overall narrative of the day. Identify patterns, connections, or surprises that emerge as you review your photos and journal entries. Consider how your daily experiences contribute to your personal growth or well-being.

2. Travel Journal

A travel journal is one of the best ways to incorporate photo journaling. Capture the places you visit, the people you meet, and the adventures you embark on in your journal

  • Choose a travel destination or a specific trip to focus on for each entry. It can be a recent trip, a memorable journey from the past, or even a virtual exploration of a place you’ve always wanted to visit.
  • Capture photos that showcase the landscapes, architecture, culture, and unique aspects of the destination. Include a mix of wide shots, close-ups, and details to convey the essence of the place.
  • Write about your experiences, impressions, and discoveries during the journey. Reflect on the significance of the destination, the encounters you had, and the emotions evoked by the travel experience.
  • Include practical information and recommendations, such as favorite attractions, local cuisine, hidden gems, or travel tips that can be helpful for others who might want to visit the same place.
  • Explore the interplay between photography and storytelling by using the written entries to complement and enhance the visual narrative of your travel photos.

3. Seasons and Nature

Create a photo journal dedicated to capturing the beauty and changing seasons of nature around you.

  • Begin by observing the natural world and its seasonal transformations. Pay attention to the unique characteristics, colors, and moods associated with each season.
  • Select a specific location, such as a nearby park, forest, or even your own backyard, as the primary focus of your nature photo journal.
  • Capture photos that showcase the flora, fauna, landscapes, and elements that define each season. Experiment with different perspectives, lighting, and compositions to capture the essence and evoke the mood of the season.
  • Write accompanying entries that describe your experiences, emotions, and reflections related to the seasonal changes. Share personal connections, memories, or thoughts that arise from observing nature’s transformations.
  • Explore the interplay between the visual and written elements of your photo journal. Consider using poetry, quotes, or descriptive language to enhance the overall narrative and evoke a deeper connection to the natural world.
  • Encourage engagement with nature by including tips, facts, or activities that celebrate and promote environmental awareness and conservation.

4. Creative Pursuits

Create a photo journal that celebrates your creative pursuits and captures the essence of your artistic journey.

  • Choose a specific creative pursuit or artistic medium to focus on for each entry. It can be painting, writing, photography, pottery, or any other creative endeavor that interests you.
  • Capture photos that showcase your creative process, works-in-progress, tools, and the environment in which you create. Include both close-up shots of details and wider shots to provide context.
  • Write about your inspirations, motivations, and challenges related to the specific creative pursuit. Share insights, breakthroughs, or techniques you’ve learned along the way.
  • Reflect on the emotional and personal significance of engaging in creative activities. Explore how creativity has impacted your well-being, personal growth, and self-expression.
  • Consider incorporating other artistic elements, such as sketches, poetry, or written reflections, to complement the visual aspects of your photo journal and enhance the storytelling.

5. Gratitude Journal

Use photos as a way to enrich your gratitude journal. Capture images of the people, moments, or things you’re grateful for. You’ll cultivate a mindset of appreciation, foster a sense of joy, and deepen your connection with the positive aspects of your life.

  • Begin each entry by reflecting on the things, experiences, or people you are grateful for. Take a moment to focus on the positive aspects of your life and the blessings that surround you.
  • Capture photos that represent the objects, scenes, or moments of gratitude. These can be anything from nature’s beauty to acts of kindness, cherished memories, or everyday joys.
  • Write a journal entry alongside each photo, expressing your gratitude and reflecting on why it holds significance to you. Describe the emotions and the impact these blessings have on your well-being and outlook on life.
  • Experiment with different visual styles and compositions that reflect the feelings of gratitude and joy evoked by the subject of your photos.
  • Encourage a daily gratitude practice by committing to capturing at least one photo and writing a corresponding entry every day.

6. Personal Growth and Reflection

Use photo journaling as a way to document your personal growth and reflections over time.

  • Set aside dedicated time for self-reflection. Use this time to explore your thoughts, emotions, and experiences that have contributed to your personal growth.
  • Capture photos that symbolize or represent different aspects of your journey. These can include images of milestones, challenges overcome, moments of self-reflection, or objects that hold personal significance.
  • Write reflective journal entries alongside each photo, exploring the lessons learned, insights gained, and personal transformations experienced along the way. Reflect on how these experiences have shaped your values, beliefs, and aspirations.
  • Engage in introspection and explore topics such as self-acceptance, resilience, personal values, or moments of clarity.

7. Everyday Objects

Create a photo journal dedicated to capturing the beauty and significance of everyday objects that often go unnoticed. Capture mundane objects, patterns, textures, or details that catch your eye. Find beauty in simplicity and transform ordinary moments into extraordinary ones through photography.

  • Cultivate a sense of curiosity and mindfulness as you go about your day. Pay attention to the objects, scenes, or details that catch your eye or evoke a sense of appreciation.
  • Capture photos of these everyday objects, whether it’s a household item, a tool, a piece of clothing, or any other mundane object that holds personal meaning or aesthetic appeal.
  • Experiment with different angles, lighting, and compositions to highlight the unique qualities or visual appeal of each object. Showcase textures, colors, or patterns that make them visually intriguing.
  • Write about the significance or memories associated with each object. Reflect on why it caught your attention, its role in your daily life, or the emotions it evokes. Consider the stories or experiences connected to these seemingly ordinary items.

8. Self-Portraits

Create a photo journal dedicated to self-portraits, allowing you to delve into self-expression and explore different facets of your identity.

  • Set aside dedicated time for self-reflection and self-portrait sessions. Use this time to contemplate your emotions, thoughts, and the different aspects of your personality.
  • Experiment with various self-portrait techniques, such as different poses, expressions, lighting, or post-processing styles. Explore different moods, themes, or visual styles that represent different aspects of your identity.
  • Write accompanying entries for each self-portrait, delving into the emotions, thoughts, or stories behind the image. Reflect on your journey of self-discovery, personal growth, or specific moments that have shaped your identity.
  • Use self-portraits as a means of self-empowerment and self-acceptance. Embrace vulnerability and showcase your authentic self in the images you capture.
  • Explore the interplay between self-portraits and written reflections. Consider using poetry, affirmations, or introspective writing to enhance the narrative and deepen the connection with your self-portraits.

9. People and Pets

Dedicate a section of your photo journal to the special people and pets in your life. Capture candid moments, interactions, and shared experiences. Write about the relationships, memories, and emotions associated with each photo.

  • Focus on photographing the interactions, love, and connections between the people and their pets. Capture candid moments, expressions, and the unique bond that exists between them.
  • Include the diverse range of pets and their human companions in your photo journal. Whether it’s dogs, cats, birds, or any other beloved animal, showcase the special connections they share with the people they love.
  • Write accompanying entries for each photo, highlighting the depth of the relationships and the impact the pets have on the lives of their human companions. Share stories, memories, or reflections that exemplify the bond between people and their pets.
  • Explore various settings and activities that exemplify the relationships. Capture joyful playtime, moments of comfort, adventures together, or simply the quiet moments of companionship.

10. Favorite Things

Explore and showcase your favorite things through photography. Capture images of objects, places, or activities that bring you joy and hold personal significance. Write about why each favorite thing is meaningful to you and how it contributes to your overall happiness.

  • Reflect on the people, objects, experiences, or moments that bring you joy and hold personal significance. Identify a range of favorite things that encompass different aspects of your life.
  • Capture photos of these favorite things, whether it’s a beloved object, a treasured place, an activity that brings you happiness, or a person who holds a special place in your heart.
  • Experiment with different visual styles, compositions, or lighting techniques that capture the essence and evoke the emotions associated with each favorite thing.
  • Write about why each favorite thing is meaningful to you. Share personal anecdotes, memories, or reflections that highlight its importance in your life. Express gratitude for the positive impact it has had on your well-being.

11. Goals and Challenges

Use photo journaling as a way to document goals and challenges you’re working towards. Capture images that represent your progress, setbacks, or achievements. Write about the obstacles faced and the lessons learned along the way.

  • Identify a personal challenge or goal that you are working towards. It could be anything from learning a new skill, facing fears, overcoming obstacles, or making positive changes in your life.
  • Document your journey by capturing photos that represent different aspects of your personal challenge. These can include images of your progress, moments of struggle, triumphs, or even symbolic representations of the obstacles you face.
  • Write accompanying entries for each photo, reflecting on the challenges, emotions, and insights gained throughout the process. Share the lessons learned, breakthroughs achieved, or strategies that helped you overcome obstacles.
  • Experiment with visual storytelling techniques to convey the emotions and narrative of your personal challenge. Use composition, lighting, or editing techniques that reflect the mood and atmosphere of your journey.
  • Reflect on the personal growth and emotional resilience that comes from embracing challenges. Consider the ways in which these challenges have shaped your character, expanded your capabilities, or changed your perspective.

12. Abstract and Experimental

Break away from traditional photography and explore abstract or experimental approaches. Play with light, shadows, reflections, or unconventional compositions. Use photography as a medium for artistic exploration and self-expression.

An example of abstract photography
  • Embrace creativity and experimentation by exploring unconventional perspectives, compositions, and techniques in your photo journal. Challenge yourself to capture images that evoke emotions, provoke thoughts, or ignite curiosity.
  • Focus on capturing abstract elements, patterns, textures, or colors that exist in the world around you. Look for unique angles, play with light and shadows, or experiment with intentional camera movements to create visually captivating and thought-provoking images.
  • Write accompanying entries for each photo, describing your artistic intention, the emotions or ideas you aimed to convey, or the reactions you hope to evoke in viewers. Reflect on the concept behind the abstract or experimental approach you took.

13. Family Photos

Create a photo journal dedicated to preserving and celebrating your family’s memories, relationships, and generational connections.

  • Gather a collection of family photos that hold sentimental value and represent significant moments or cherished individuals across different generations.
  • Scan and digitize the physical photos to ensure their preservation and accessibility for future generations. Organize them in chronological order or categorize them by family branches, events, or themes.
  • Capture new photos that mirror or recreate the scenes depicted in the old family photos. Visit the same locations, pose in similar ways, or recreate cherished moments to create visual connections between past and present.
  • Write accompanying entries for each photo, sharing stories, anecdotes, or reflections that provide context, evoke emotions, or shed light on the significance of the family members or events depicted.
  • Engage with family members, particularly older generations, to gather additional insights, stories, or details related to the family photos. Record interviews or conversations to capture their memories and perspectives.
  • Reflect on the shared history, traditions, and values that define your family. Explore the connections and legacies that have been passed down through the generations.

14. Meals and Food

Create a visual diary of your meals. Capture photos of your favorite dishes, homemade creations, or memorable dining experiences. Write about the flavors, recipes, or memories associated with each meal. Consider including recipes or tips for others who may want to recreate your culinary adventures.

  • Focus on photographing a wide range of food and meals, including homemade dishes, restaurant experiences, family recipes, or cultural specialties.
  • Experiment with different compositions, lighting, and angles to capture the enticing visual elements of the food. Highlight textures, colors, and presentation to create visually appealing and appetizing images.
  • Write accompanying entries for each photo, describing the flavors, aromas, and memories associated with the dish or meal. Share the story behind the recipe, the cultural significance, or the personal memories attached to the food.
  • Explore the interplay between the sensory experiences of taste and sight. Consider how the visual presentation enhances the enjoyment and anticipation of the meal.

15. Handwriting

Incorporate the art of handwriting into your photo journal. Capture images of handwritten letters, notes, or journal entries. Focus on the unique characteristics of handwriting and the emotions it conveys. Write about the importance of handwritten communication and the stories behind each written piece.

  • Gather a collection of handwritten notes, letters, journal entries, or any other written materials that hold significance to you. These can be your own writings or those of loved ones.
  • Photograph these handwritten pieces, focusing on the unique characteristics of each person’s handwriting. Capture the textures, ink colors, paper choices, and any other distinctive elements that make each handwriting style unique.
  • Write accompanying entries for each photo, sharing the stories, memories, or emotions associated with the handwritten pieces. Reflect on the personal connections, sentiments conveyed, or the significance of the written words.
  • Experiment with different ways of showcasing the handwriting. Consider close-up shots of specific words or phrases, compositions that highlight the entire piece, or even images that capture the act of writing itself.

16. Changes Over Time

Use photo journaling as a way to capture and document the changes and transformations that occur over time.

  • Select a specific subject or theme to focus on for each entry. It could be yourself, a loved one, a place, or any other aspect of life that undergoes noticeable changes.
  • Take regular photos at intervals, such as daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly, to capture the progression and evolution of the chosen subject. Ensure consistency in lighting, composition, and angle to provide a clear visual timeline.
  • Write accompanying entries for each photo, describing the changes, growth, or transformation observed. Reflect on the emotions, experiences, or lessons learned during each phase of the journey.
  • Experiment with different visual storytelling techniques to convey the passage of time. Consider collages, side-by-side comparisons, or diptychs/triptychs that juxtapose different stages of the subject’s evolution.
  • Reflect on the significance and implications of the changes observed. Consider how they have impacted personal growth, relationships, or the surrounding environment.

17. Project Progress

Use photo journaling to document the progress of a specific project or endeavor. Whether it’s a creative project, home improvement, or personal goal, capture images that show the evolution and milestones of your project.

  • Select a specific project or creative endeavor to focus on for each entry. It can be anything from a painting, sculpture, writing project, DIY project, or any other creative pursuit.
  • Capture photos at various stages of your project, showcasing the process, materials, tools, and the development of your work. Include wide shots, close-ups, and details to provide a comprehensive view of your project’s progression.
  • Write accompanying entries for each photo, describing the ideas, inspirations, challenges, breakthroughs, and lessons learned during each stage of your project. Reflect on the evolution of your concept, techniques, and personal growth as an artist or creator.
  • Experiment with different visual styles or compositions to convey the essence and mood of your project. Showcase the transformation and the development of your creative vision through the visual narrative of your photo journal.
  • Reflect on the significance and impact of your project on personal growth. Consider how the project has pushed your boundaries, challenged you, honed your skills, or allowed you to express yourself.

18. Books

Create a photo journal dedicated to your reading journey. Capture images of books you’re reading or have recently finished. Include photos of favorite quotes, book covers, or cozy reading spots. Write reviews, reflections, or personal insights about the books you encounter.

  • Select a book or a series of books to feature in each entry. It can be a book you’re currently reading, a favorite novel, or a literary genre you want to explore.
  • Take photos of the book covers, pages, or specific passages that resonate with you. Experiment with different compositions that visually represent the essence of the book.
  • Write about your thoughts, feelings, and insights inspired by the book. Share personal reflections, favorite quotes, or passages that left a lasting impression on you.
  • Explore different settings for your book photos. Consider photographing books in cozy reading nooks, libraries, bookstores, or outdoor spaces that inspire your reading experience.
  • Share recommendations or reviews of the books you feature in your photo journal. Discuss what you loved about the book, its impact on your perspective, or connections to your own life.

19. Colors & Patterns

Explore the world of colors and patterns through your photo journal, focusing on capturing and reflecting on the emotions, associations, and symbolism.

  • Select a specific color or a range of colors to explore in each entry. For example, dedicate one entry to the color blue and another to the color red.
  • Take photos that prominently feature the chosen color(s) or objects, scenes, or moments where the color evokes a strong emotional response.
  • Write about the emotions or moods associated with each color or pattern. Consider the cultural, psychological, or symbolic meanings attributed to the chosen colors or pattern and how they resonate with your experiences.
  • Experiment with different lighting conditions or post-processing techniques to enhance the vibrancy, subtlety, or effects of the patterns or colors in your photos.
  • Reflect on personal associations or memories connected to specific colors. Explore how colors have influenced your mood, perceptions, or aesthetic preferences.

20. Photo-A-Day

Challenge yourself to take and document a photo every day. Capture moments, scenes, or objects that catch your eye or reflect your daily experiences. Write a brief description or reflection alongside each photo, creating a visual diary that represents a year of your life.

  • Commit to capturing at least one photo each day. Be on the lookout for something that catches your eye, evokes an emotion, or represents a meaningful aspect of your day.
  • Experiment with different photography techniques, angles, compositions, or subject matters to keep your photo journal visually engaging and diverse.
  • Write a brief journal entry to accompany each photo. Reflect on the story behind the photo, the emotions it evokes, or the significance of the moment captured.
  • Look for themes or patterns that emerge throughout the month or year. Identify connections between seemingly unrelated photos and write about the common threads or personal growth you observe.
  • Embrace the imperfections and unpredictability of everyday life. Allow the photo-a-day challenge to become a mindful practice that encourages you to find beauty in the ordinary and appreciate the present moment.

How to Use Day One as a Photo Journal

The free Day One app is one of the best ways to keep a photo journal, allowing you to seamlessly combine visual imagery and written reflections to capture and preserve your life’s moments and stories. Whether you’re an avid photographer, a creative writer, or simply someone who wishes to document their experiences in a visually captivating manner, Day One provides a user-friendly photo journaling app that empowers you to curate a meaningful photo journal.

In this section, we’ll walk you through essential instructions and tips on how to maximize the potential of Day One as your photo journaling companion. From adding photos and writing reflections to organizing and sharing your entries, we will explore the various features and tools that Day One offers to elevate your photo journaling experience.

1. Download the free Day One journal app.

With the Day One app, you’ll be able to easily add photos, videos, audio, and text to your journal. Plus, all your photos and files will be protected with end-to-end encryption.

2. Create a new entry in your journal and add a photo.

To enrich your journal entry with a photo, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open your Day One app and navigate to the desired journal or create a new one.
  2. Tap the “+” icon or the “New Entry” button to create a new entry.
  3. Look for the photo icon within the entry editor. It’s usually represented by a camera or picture symbol.
  4. Tap the photo icon and select an image from your phone’s camera roll or gallery. Day One will prompt you to choose the photo you want to add to your entry. Day One Premium allows you to add unlimited photos and videos to your journal.
A screenshot of how to get started with photo journaling

3. Write something about the photo in your journal.

Complement your photo with thoughtful reflections to capture the essence of the moment. Here’s how:

  1. Within the entry editor, find a suitable place to incorporate your written reflections.
  2. Add a few sentences or paragraphs that describe the photo, evoke emotions, or delve into the significance of the captured scene.
  3. Consider sharing why you felt compelled to capture the moment or the story behind the photo. Embrace this opportunity to preserve your thoughts and memories in a written format.
A screenshot of how to add a description to your photo journal entry

4. Use the Media View to see all your photos.

Day One’s Media View is a great way to immerse yourself in your visual journey:

  1. Locate the toolbar at the bottom of the screen and select the Media View icon, typically represented by a grid or gallery symbol.
  2. Once in the Media View, you’ll find a collection of thumbnails representing your photos and videos. Scroll through the grid to explore your visual content.
  3. Tap on any thumbnail to open the journal entry with the photo and view it in more detail.
A screenshot of Day One's Media View, showing a photo journal

5. Check out the Calendar View to see your photos over time.

Day One’s Calendar View offers a comprehensive visual representation of your photo journal over time. This view can be particularly useful if you’re doing a photo-a-day challenge or trying to establish a regular journaling habit. Here’s how to explore it:

  1. Open your journal and look for the Calendar View option, usually represented by a calendar icon.
  2. The calendar will populate with marked dates indicating journal entries that include photos.
  3. Tap on a specific date to view the entry and associated photos for that day.
A screenshot of Day One's Calendar View for photo journaling

6. Turn your photo journal … into a book!

Enjoy the satisfaction of holding your photo journal in your hands as a beautiful paperback or hardcover book, capturing your memories and visual storytelling in a tangible form. Day One offers a convenient book printing feature:

  1. Once you’ve completed a section of your photo journal, whether it’s for a year, a month, or a specific occasion, navigate to the Settings menu.
  2. Look for the book printing option that allows you to turn your photo journal into a physical book.
  3. Follow the instructions to customize and design your book, selecting the desired time-frame, photos, and text.
  4. Preview the book and make any necessary adjustments before finalizing your order.
Day One's book printing feature for a photo journal

Wrapping Up: Crafting a Visual Narrative that Preserves Your Unique Story

We hope this collection of 20 photo journaling ideas has ignited your creativity and sparked a newfound passion for capturing and documenting the moments that shape your life. Whether you choose to explore nature, delve into self-reflection, or capture everyday objects, each idea serves as a doorway to a world of storytelling and self-expression. So grab your camera, embrace your creativity, and embark on a fulfilling photo journaling adventure. Let your photos and words intertwine to create a captivating narrative that reflects the beauty, joy, and depth of your life’s journey. Happy (photo) journaling!

Download the Day One Journal App

The Day One journaling app makes it easy to build and maintain a daily journaling habit. Daily journaling reminders, daily writing prompts, and journal streaks are designed to help keep you motivated and consistently journaling.

About the Author

Kristen Webb Wright is the author of three books on journaling. With a passion for writing and self-reflection, Kristen uses her experience with journaling to help others discover the benefits of documenting their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. In her role at Day One, she helps to promote the power of journaling so people from all walks of life can experience the transformative power of journaling.

Journal from here, there, everywhere.

Download the Day One journal app for free on iPhone, Android, iPad, Mac, and Apple Watch.

Journal from here there and everywhere mobile devices image.
Android screenshot