Markdown Guide

Using Markdown in Day One

Day One can convert text written with Markdown into rich text. Conversion will happen in real-time as it is typed. Or use a Code Block to write entire sections using Markdown. Additional formatting tools can be found in the following two guides: iOS, macOS.

What is Markdown?

Markdown, created by John Gruber of Daring Fireball, is the technology we chose to use to allow rich text within Day One journal entries. Markdown allows several simple text formatting options that can be written using plain text and display properly in Read views.

Day One takes a similar approach to Markdown as GitHub. See GitHub Flavored Markdown. Note that this page may show markdown features that are not supported in Day One, like underlining.

Using Markdown in Day One

Here’s an example of how Markdown renders in a Day One journal entry.

Initiating the Code Block

To initiate a Code Block, type three backticks (“`) and then space bar.

When using a code block, click/tap the code icon at the bottom right to switch between Edit and Read modes.

A code block may also be initiated by typing 3 back ticks and tap the Spacebar.

Day One Markdown Syntax

Markdown syntax is available in Day One and is toggled On by default.

Day One for Android does not have a Markdown toolbar, but the Markdown syntax featured on this page can be manually typed out to format text.

Basic Text Formatting

*italic* or _italic_  /  **bold** or __bold__

italic or italic / bold or bold. At this time, underline is not supported

Inline Links

An inline link: [example](

An inline link: example.

An auto-linked URL:


# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3
#### Header 4
##### Header 5
###### Header 6


1. Numbered 
2. List

1. Numbered
2. List

- Bulleted
- List

– Bulleted
– List

Note: To nest bullets use tab (Mac only) or two spaces further indented than the previous item (both Mac and iOS).

- [] Checklist
- [x] Checklist

Strikethrough and Highlight

For strikethrough, use two tildes on either side of the text:


For Highlighting text, use two equal signs on either side of the text:



![alt text](


> Angle brackets are used for blockquotes.

Angle brackets are used for blockquotes.


One | Two | Three
--- | --- | ---
Blue | White | Gray
Green | Yellow | Red

Note that because the first line of journal entries has special properties associated with Day One’s auto-bolding feature, tables must start on the second or subsequent line of a journal entry.

Mood-Tracking Table Example

Here’s some example markdown for adding a mood-tracking table.

| Situation | Emotion | Response | Suggestions |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| I was late for work because of heavy traffic, and as soon as I walked into the office, my manager confronted me about being late.| Anxiety, Level 8 | I felt my heart rate sky-rocket and immediately wanted to run to the bathroom and cry. | Pause. Take a deep breath. Realize I don't like being late, but the traffic was out of my control. |

Horizontal Rules

Three or more dashes or asterisks --- ***

Code & Preformatted Text


 spans are delimited by backticks. You can include literal backticks like `this`.

[TAB]Preformatted text block using a tab.

Preformatted text block using a tab.


To make citations, use <cite> at the beginning of the citation and </cite> at the end of the citation.

Useful Markdown Cheatsheet

  • Markdown Cheatsheet . Note that this page may show markdown features that are not supported in Day One, like underlining.

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