Journaling Basics

20 Journaling Benefits: Why You Should Keep A Journal

Some of the greatest thinkers in history understood how journaling benefits mental clarity, personal growth, and creative expression. Scientists and artists like Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, Frida Kahlo, and Marie Curie recorded their ideas, insights, and personal struggles through journaling. Keeping a journal is a self-care practice that can powerfully impact your well-being.

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, stressed, or disconnected from our inner selves. Journaling is a way to help us navigate these challenges and cultivate a deeper sense of self-awareness, mindfulness, and creativity. By expressing thoughts and feelings in a journal, we can gain clarity, insight, and perspective on our lives, and develop a more positive and resilient mindset.

In this post, we’ll dive into some of the benefits of journaling, including improving mental health, increasing self-awareness, and promoting personal growth. If you’re not journaling yet, maybe this post will convince you to pick up a pen or open your laptop and start writing.

The Benefits of Journaling for Anyone and Everyone

If you ever kept a journal as an adolescent, you likely remember some of the journaling benefits you enjoyed. Your journal was a safe place to express your feelings. You could muse about the future, discuss your romantic interests, and even complain about your parents without fear of judgment or punishment. That sense of freedom is only one of many journaling benefits adults can enjoy when they decide to start a writing practice.

A scene of journaling on computer with notebook and tea.

Journaling provides a slew of benefits, even for those who don’t journal daily. A growing body of research supports the claim that journaling benefits your physical and psychological well-being and can help you improve your relationships.

Why? Journaling is meditative. When you’re focused on writing a journal entry, you’re not dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. Many people feel relaxed while journaling, even if they’re writing about a difficult experience.

Here are are a few reasons why keeping a journal is so beneficial:

1. Journaling Provides Mental Clarity

Emotions can sometimes override everything else. How you feel and react may not always align with what you believe or who you want to be. Writing about your feelings in a journal empties the baggage in your brain so you can look at a situation with fresh eyes.

2. Journaling Builds Self-Awareness

Many people go through life reacting without thinking about why they feel or behave in specific ways. Journaling can provide deep insight into part of your personality that you may not have thought about before. 

Journal prompts are great tools for learning about yourself. Writing to a prompt instead of whatever is in your head forces you out of well-worn pathways and helps you to look at yourself from a new perspective. You might even discover that one small insight can connect many challenges and circumstances you thought were unrelated.

3. Journaling Relieves Stress

Negative emotions can dominate your thoughts, influencing your mood and behaviors. Left unchecked, these emotions can increase stress levels and affect mental health. One of the best journaling benefits is stress management.

Among the many benefits of journaling for mental health is having an outlet to express thoughts and emotions you may not be able to share in other places. Instead of bottling up feelings of anger or disappointment, you can write freely about them in a journal. The practice provides stress relief, and writing things down can also help you process and find solutions to problems.

4. Journaling Develops Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the capacity to express and control your emotions and to handle the expression of emotions from others. To do that, you must first learn to be aware of your feelings. Journaling can help you practice introspection and work through conflicts safely.

Journaling about feelings without self-judgment allows you to observe and understand your emotions better. When you gain insight into your own emotions, you can better use that skill to understand others’ perspectives. In addition, journaling about fear can help you better understand what frightens you, and how to overcome fears through deeper self-awareness.

5. Journaling Enhances Creativity

Journaling isn’t limited to writing text. Keeping a journal can also jumpstart your creativity. Allow yourself to play and experiment in your journal. Draw, use familiar symbols, or invent some of your own. Paint or create a collage in your journal. If you’re not artistically inclined, journaling can still enhance creative thinking.

6. Journaling Improves Problem-Solving Skills

Have a problem you can’t seem to solve? Write about it. Writing and reflecting on journal entries can inspire new ideas seemingly “out of the blue.” Sometimes all it takes is a different perspective to solve a problem you’ve struggled with for a long time. Documenting the problem and its contributing factors helps you process it.

7. Journaling Reduces Health Issues

You may be surprised that journaling benefits include improving physical health, like boosting your immune system, reducing blood pressure levels, and even improving your liver functioning. This effect may be partially explained by the fact that mental and physical health are strongly connected. If journaling helps to lower stress levels, your risk of stress-related health problems is also lowered.

8. Journaling Supports Goal-Setting

Goal setting is an important skill to practice. Journaling goals and plans to achieve them helps you pursue personal growth. Analyzing your journal entries also helps you develop critical thinking skills. 

9. Journaling Helps You Achieve Goals

You can use journaling to help you achieve your goals. Keeping a journal of your goals is a smart way to keep track of your goals and the steps you need to accomplish them. Thinking about what you want to achieve is the first step, but thoughts are easily forgotten. Writing down a goal makes it more concrete and provides some accountability.

To make the most of goal setting in your journal, be specific. Instead of just writing, “I want a new job,” write about the exact job you want and the steps you’ll take to make it happen. Having these items written down also allows you to look back and see how far you’ve come since first setting the goal. 

10. Journaling Helps Emotional Regulation

Journaling is a reflective exercise. You can get a different perspective on your reactions and feelings when they write and reread their journal entries. Journal writing helps you understand your emotional reactions more clearly, and puts you in control of your emotions instead of the other way around.

11. Journaling Strengthens Expressiveness 

Journaling allows you to practice expressing yourself. Writing privately means you don’t have to worry that others will judge you. You can try out styles, tones, and formats privately in as many ways as you feel comfortable.

12. Journaling Builds Better Memory

Writing helps to strengthen memory and other cognitive skills, like processing information. Whether on paper or on a laptop, writing things down forces your brain to pay attention to the information you are writing about. Practicing this exercise regularly through journaling strengthens your memory “muscles” in the same way exercise strengthens physical muscles.

13. Journaling Enhances Writing Skills

At its core, journaling is writing practice. Most journals are not for other people to read, but you probably will reread your journal entries. This practice allows you to see the strengths and weaknesses in your writing technique and strive for improvement, if you choose to. 

14. Journaling Improves Mindfulness

Mindfulness can help relieve stress, improve focus, and allow you to maintain a more balanced mood. All of these are valuable components for building a life full of forward momentum. 

Journaling increases mindfulness by helping you focus on the moment. People with extensive journaling experience know that focused writing can make you lose track of time or even forget where you are. You can connect with yourself fully when you immerse yourself in deep thoughts with no distractions.

a scene of journaling using journal prompts

Journaling Benefits for Productivity

Journaling is a serious tool that can provide actual results for people who chose to create the habit. Keeping a journal can help you focus your interests, determine what’s really important to you, and document your successes and failures and what you learn from them. Overall, journaling can help improve your productivity.

15. Journaling Teaches Time Management

Setting a timer to regulate journaling time is a good tip. Journaling for a preset time helps you understand what you can or can’t do within that limit and can improve your time management skills overall.

16. Journaling Helps Prioritize Tasks

Think about how often you’ve had an “aha” moment then forgotten it almost immediately. How often are you distracted from deep thoughts because you keep mentally replaying something else? 

Keeping a journal gives you a place to jot down ideas so you don’t forget them. A journal can also be an emotional dumping ground to store intrusive thoughts when you must focus on other priorities. Writing down your thoughts can free up attentional space for other needs.

17. Journaling Organizes Tasks

If you’re always looking for new ways to stay organized, keeping a journal can help. There’s no right or wrong way to benefit from journaling. Use yours as an auxiliary calendar or to keep track of your to-do list and team projects.

18. Journaling Provides a Daily Log of Activities to Reference Later

When you journal, you create a record of your daily activities and events that can serve as a daily log. By consistently writing in your journal each day, you can capture and reflect on the events and experiences that shape your life. Your journal can serve as a reference to remind you of the things you’ve accomplished, the people you’ve met, the challenges you’ve faced, and the progress you’ve made towards your goals.

19. Journaling Structures Ideas

If you’ve got half an idea, try journaling about it before you share it. Journaling allows you to build a full-fledged plan from a wispy idea. As you write, you notice the weaknesses and strengths of your idea and can work to resolve or highlight them.

20. Journaling Develops Better Concentration

Concentration is like a muscle in the body. The more you use it, the stronger it gets. To use journaling to improve concentration, commit to writing in your journal for a minimum of 10 minutes every day. Stay with it, even when your mind wanders. As you build your journaling practice, you’ll soon find that 10 minutes have gone by quickly, and that time passed by quickly as you focused on writing your journal entry. 

a sene of journaling with a notebook and latte.

Tips to Maximize the Benefits of Journaling

Journaling is beneficial for so many aspects of your life, why wouldn’t you try it? Of course, you want to get the most from your efforts. So, here are 13 tips to maximize your journaling practice.

1. Keep it convenient.

Prioritize convenience over self-imposed rules that make writing a chore. You don’t have to journal every day, at the same time daily, or write a certain amount for it to be beneficial.

2. Make it mobile.

Choose a mobile format you can take with you anywhere. That way, you can always write when the mood strikes. Consider downloading a journal app like Day One that syncs across your devices. That way, you can write or document thoughts when the mood strikes, regardless of whether you’re on your phone or tablet.

3. Set a goal.

Have a clear goal for what you hope to gain from journaling. Try to focus the time you spend writing on that goal. For example, if you want to try to notice more positive things in your life to be grateful for, write a list of things that brought you joy or made you feel gratitude each day in your gratitude journal.

4. Build a habit.

While you don’t have to write every day, it benefits you to build a journaling habit. Try to write for at least 10 minutes every day for the first few months. Consistency is helpful in forming habits and making them part of your regular routine.

4. Just be honest.

Journaling is about processing, uncovering, and learning. That means you have to be honest with yourself. The process won’t benefit you if you don’t even believe what you’re writing.

5. Feel free.

Start simple with no word limits or pressure to have an epiphany with every entry. If you’re looking for some inspiration, just check out these journaling examples. It doesn’t matter if a journal entry seems worthwhile or important by someone else’s standards. The essential thing is that you feel better from expressing yourself.

6. Stay positive.

Start each entry with a positive attitude, no matter the topic. Approach your thoughts with curiosity, not judgment. Be mindful of your language and avoid negative self-talk.

7. Don’t just write.

Personalize your journal with sketches, photos, charts, and doodles. Embrace your creativity, especially in your journal. Photo journaling, specifically, can be a powerful way to capture memories, along with your reflections.

8. Embrace the process.

Let go of perfectionism by not spell-checking or fussing over word choice. Your journal is for you. It doesn’t have to be perfect to be helpful.

9. Question yourself.

Ask yourself probing questions that get to the root of issues. You can even write a letter to your future self or past self, reflecting on how you would have or should have worked through an issue differently. 

10. Use journal prompts.

Not sure what to write? Don’t worry! Tons of writing journal prompts are available to help you get started in an area.

11. Remove distractions.

You want to be in a comfortable, safe, quiet space when you journal. The right environment helps set the tone for you to truly open up and learn from your feelings. Do your best to remove distractions. 

12. Praise yourself, too.

It’s easy to focus your journaling sessions on things you’re trying to improve, but don’t forget gratitude and praise. Remember to include your successes. Also, remember to reflect on your journaling progress and celebrate it.

13. Focus on the positive.

Always end your journal entry with something positive. A journal is an excellent place to vent about your behavior or that of others, but don’t end on a sour note. Read through each entry after writing it and find one positive thing to comment on. Dig deeper and try to find something good that happened each day. 

Put the Benefits of Journaling to Work for You

Few things in life offer such massive potential for minimal effort, but journaling does. You can improve your physical and mental health, boost your career, enhance your relationships, and enjoy more emotional balance by spending 10 minutes a day writing in a journal. 

Journaling is even easier when you have prompts, timers, support, and various innovative features at your fingertips. Let the Day One journaling app make journaling a rewarding new habit, whatever your journaling goals may be. Download the Day One app and start journaling today.

About the Author

Kristen Webb Wright is the author of three books on journaling. With a passion for writing and self-reflection, Kristen uses her experience with journaling to help others discover the benefits of documenting their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. In her role at Day One, she helps to promote the power of journaling so people from all walks of life can experience the transformative power of journaling.

Photo of Kristen Webb Wright, journaling expert

Download the Day One Journal App

Here at Day One, we’re on a mission to share the benefits of journaling for well-being and living a more meaningful life. Download the Day One journaling app today to start a daily journaling habit. Journaling reminders, daily writing prompts, and journaling streaks are designed to help keep you motivated.

Journal from here, there, everywhere.

Download the Day One journal app for free on iPhone, Android, iPad, Mac, and Apple Watch.

Journal from here there and everywhere mobile devices image.
Android screenshot