Journaling Basics

20 Journaling Examples to Inspire Your Practice

Journaling examples can be incredibly helpful in giving you ideas and inspiration for your own journaling practice. When you’re new to journaling or feeling stuck, it can be challenging to know where to start or what to write about. But by looking at different journaling examples, you can get a sense of the possibilities and find what resonates with you.

In addition to providing ideas and inspiration, seeing some different journaling examples can help you discover new techniques and approaches to journaling. You might find that a particular type of journaling works well for you, or that a combination of different types of journaling is the most effective.

In this blog post, we’ve compiled a list of 20 journaling examples to help you get started. Whether you’re new to journaling or looking for a way to deepen your practice, there’s something here for everyone.

How to Use These Journaling Examples

When it comes to keeping a journal, the format you choose is a personal choice and should be based on your preferences and lifestyle. Some people enjoy the tactile experience of writing by hand in a physical journal, while others prefer the convenience of typing their entries on a digital device. Handwriting can be therapeutic for some and may help with memory retention, but it can also be time-consuming and difficult to organize. On the other hand, typing allows for easy editing, searchability, and accessibility on multiple devices. The format you choose for journaling should be one that you enjoy and are more likely to stick with consistently.

To make it easy for you to adapt theses journaling examples to your preferred journaling medium, we’ve focused on the content and structure of each journal entry example. Whether you prefer a physical journal and a pen, a word processor on your computer, or a journal app like Day One, the principles of effective journaling remain the same. Ultimately, the key is to choose the medium that works best for you and that you’ll be most likely to stick with over time.

Here are a few tips for using these journaling examples in your own journaling practice:

1. Choose a few journaling examples that resonate with you.

Look through the various examples and choose ones that you feel drawn to. This will make it more likely that you will actually use them and find them helpful.

2. Adapt the examples to your personal style.

Don’t feel constrained by the format or content of the examples. Customize them to your personal writing style and preferences.

3. Experiment with different formats.

Try out different journaling formats, such as a journaling app like Day One, a physical journal, or a combination of both. See which format feels most comfortable and easy to use for you.

4. Set a regular journaling schedule.

Establish a regular time as you build your journaling habit, whether it’s daily, weekly, or on a different schedule that works for you. Consistency is key when it comes to reaping the benefits of journaling.

5. Don’t worry about perfection.

Remember that your journal is for your eyes only, so don’t worry about writing perfectly or having everything figured out. Just write from the heart and let the words flow.

6. Use journal prompts for even more inspiration.

If you’re feeling stuck, use journal prompts to inspire your writing. The journaling examples provided in this post can be used as prompts or inspiration for your own writing.

7. Celebrate your progress.

Journaling can be a powerful tool for personal growth and reflection. Celebrate your progress and accomplishments as you look back on your journal entries over time.

Now, let’s dive into some journaling entries!

Scene of writing a journaling example

1. Gratitude Journal

A gratitude journal is a type of journaling where you focus on the things you’re grateful for. The practice of gratitude journaling involves writing down several things you’re thankful for each day, no matter how big or small they may be. Gratitude journaling has been shown to have numerous mental and emotional benefits, including reducing stress, improving mood, and increasing overall well-being.

By taking the time to reflect on the positive aspects of your life, you can shift your focus away from negativity and cultivate a more positive and grateful outlook. Gratitude journaling can also help you develop a greater sense of perspective and appreciation for the people, experiences, and things in your life.

To get started with gratitude journaling, simply set aside a few minutes each day to reflect on the things you’re grateful for. You can write them down in a notebook or journal, or use a gratitude app on your phone. Some people prefer to do their gratitude journaling first thing in the morning, while others find it helpful to do it at the end of the day. The most important thing is to make it a regular practice, and to focus on the positive aspects of your life.

Example Gratitude Journal Entry

Date: March 9, 2023

Today, I am grateful for:

  1. The warm cup of coffee I had this morning that helped me start my day off right.
  2. The beautiful sunrise I saw on my way to work that reminded me of the beauty in nature.
  3. The supportive friends and family in my life who are always there for me when I need them.
  4. The fact that I have a job that allows me to support myself and pursue my passions.
  5. The opportunity to take a walk outside during my lunch break and soak up some sunshine and fresh air.

Writing down these things I am grateful for helps me appreciate the positive aspects of my life and shifts my focus away from negativity. It reminds me that even on the toughest days, there are still things to be grateful for and that there is always something to look forward to tomorrow.

2. Travel Journal

A travel journal is a type of journaling where you record your experiences, thoughts, and observations while traveling. It’s a way to document your adventures, memories, and personal growth as you explore new places and cultures.

Travel journaling can take many forms, from a simple notebook where you write down your thoughts and observations, to a more elaborate journal with photographs, ticket stubs, and other mementos. Some people also incorporate drawings, sketches, or watercolors into their travel journals to capture the visual beauty of their surroundings.

In a travel journal, you can record things like the sights and sounds of a new city, the flavors of local cuisine, the people you meet, and the challenges and triumphs of your journey. You can also reflect on how your travels are impacting you personally and emotionally, and what you’re learning about yourself and the world around you.

Travel journaling can be a deeply personal and rewarding experience, allowing you to look back on your travels and relive your experiences long after your trip is over. It can also be a way to share your adventures with others and inspire them to explore the world around them.

Example Travel Journal Entry

July 12, 2022

Location: Paris, France

Today was my first day in Paris and it was absolutely magical. I woke up early and headed straight to the Eiffel Tower to catch the sunrise. The view from the top was breathtaking, with the sun just peeking over the horizon and casting a warm glow over the city.

After breakfast at a local cafe, I spent the rest of the day exploring the city on foot. I walked along the Seine River, admiring the beautiful architecture of the buildings and bridges. I stopped at Notre-Dame Cathedral, which was just as stunning as I had imagined.

In the afternoon, I visited the Louvre Museum and was completely blown away by the art collection. I spent hours wandering through the galleries, taking in the beauty and history of the paintings and sculptures.

As the day came to a close, I sat in a small park and watched as the sun set over the city. I felt so grateful to be here, experiencing all of the amazing sights and sounds that Paris has to offer.

This trip has already been such an incredible adventure, and I can’t wait to see what the rest of it has in store for me.

Here are a few of my favorite photos from the day. I think I’ll get these framed when I get home.

3. Bullet Journal

A bullet journal is a customizable organizational system that combines elements of a planner, diary, and to-do list. It was created by designer Ryder Carroll as a way to simplify and streamline his note-taking process, and has since become a popular method of journaling for people all over the world.

The basic structure of a bullet journal involves creating an index or table of contents at the beginning of the journal, followed by a future log (for long-term planning), a monthly log (for monthly planning), and a daily log (for daily tasks and notes). Each entry is typically formatted using a system of bullets, symbols, and shorthand to denote tasks, events, notes, and ideas.

One of the key benefits of a bullet journal is its flexibility and adaptability. Users can customize their journals to fit their specific needs and preferences, and can add or remove sections as needed. Some people also use their bullet journals to track habits, set goals, practice gratitude, and record memories and reflections.

Example Bullet Journal Entry

In this example, the bullet journal entry includes a list of tasks for the day, with completed tasks marked off with checks and incomplete tasks left unchecked. The notes section includes reminders and personal thoughts, and the gratitude log is a space to reflect on positive things from the day. This format allows for easy tracking of tasks and progress, while also providing space for reflection and self-care.

Date: March 10, 2023

Today’s Tasks:

  • Write blog post on journaling examples
  • Schedule dentist appointment
  • Complete 30-minute yoga session
  • Attend team meeting at 2pm
  • Respond to client emails


  • Remember to follow up with Sarah about the new project proposal
  • Need to buy groceries after work – add to tomorrow’s task list
  • The idea of my next art project keeps coming up. Start sketching this weekend.
  • Feeling a bit stressed today – make time for self-care activities tonight

Gratitude Log:

  • Morning coffee
  • Sunny weather
  • Supportive team members

4. Reflective Journaling

A reflective journal is a type of journaling that involves introspection and self-reflection. It’s a way to explore your thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a deeper and more meaningful way. Reflective journaling can be used for personal growth, self-discovery, and developing self-awareness.

In a reflective journal, you can write about a wide range of topics, including your goals, challenges, successes, fears, values, and beliefs. You can also reflect on your interactions with others, your relationships, and your personal and professional development.

Reflective journaling often involves asking yourself thought-provoking questions and engaging in self-analysis. You might ask yourself questions like: What did I learn today? How did I handle a difficult situation? What emotions did I experience and why? What are my core values and how do they impact my decisions?

Reflective journaling can be a powerful tool for personal growth and development, allowing you to gain deeper insights into yourself and your life. It can also be a therapeutic outlet for processing difficult emotions and experiences.

Example Reflective Journal Entry

Date: January 15, 2023

Today’s Journal Prompt:
What are my core values and how do they impact my decisions?

Today I’ve been considering my core values and how they impact the decisions I make in my life. I realize that my values are an essential part of who I am, and they play a significant role in shaping my thoughts, actions, and choices.

One of my core values is honesty. I believe that it’s essential to be truthful with myself and others, even when it’s difficult. When I’m faced with a decision, I always try to consider whether it aligns with my values of honesty and integrity. If I feel that a decision would compromise these values, I know that it’s not the right choice for me.

Another value that’s important to me is kindness. I believe that everyone deserves to be treated with respect and compassion, regardless of their background or circumstances. When I’m making a decision, I try to consider how it will impact others and whether it aligns with my values of kindness and empathy.

Finally, I value personal growth and self-improvement. I believe that life is a journey of learning and self-discovery, and I always strive to grow and evolve as a person. When I’m making a decision, I try to consider whether it will help me grow and develop as a person, both personally and professionally.

Reflecting on my core values has helped me gain clarity on what’s important to me and how I can make decisions that align with my values. I know that when I make choices that align with my values, I feel more fulfilled, purposeful, and true to myself.

5. Daily Reflections Journal

A daily reflections journal is a type of journaling that involves writing in a journal every day. This type of journal offers a way to document your daily experiences, thoughts, and feelings. Daily journaling can be used for personal growth, self-reflection, and mindfulness.

In a daily journal, you can write about anything that’s on your mind, from the mundane to the profound. Some people use daily journaling as a way to process their emotions and work through challenges, while others use it to set and track their goals.

Daily journaling can be a helpful tool for developing self-awareness, improving mental clarity, and reducing stress. It can also be a way to cultivate gratitude and appreciation for the simple things in life.

Example Daily Journal Entry

Date: April 27, 2022

Today was a busy day at work. I had a lot of meetings and deadlines to meet, which kept me on my toes all day. I felt a little bit stressed at times, but overall, I was able to stay focused and get everything done that needed to be done.

During my lunch break, I went for a walk around the park near my office. It was a beautiful day outside, and I felt grateful for the opportunity to get some fresh air and sunshine. As I walked, I listened to a podcast about mindfulness and tried to focus on being present in the moment.

After work, I met up with a friend for dinner. We caught up on each other’s lives and talked about our plans for the future. It was nice to have some social time after a busy day at work.

Before bed, I took some time to reflect on the day. I thought about the things that went well and the areas where I could improve. I also wrote down some goals for tomorrow, including getting up a little bit earlier and taking a few moments to meditate before starting my day.

Overall, today was a good day. I feel grateful for the opportunities and experiences that came my way, and I’m looking forward to what tomorrow will bring.

6. Art Journal

An art journal is a type of journaling that focuses on expressing yourself through art, writing, or other creative mediums. This type of journal offers a way to explore and develop your creative side, and can be used as a tool for self-expression, personal growth, and stress relief.

In an art journal, you can experiment with different artistic techniques, such as drawing, painting, collage, or mixed media. You can also write creatively, such as poetry, fiction, or stream-of-consciousness writing. The goal is not necessarily to create a finished product, but rather to use the creative process as a way to explore your thoughts, feelings, and ideas.

Creative journaling (or photo journaling) can be a way to tap into your inner creativity and intuition, and can be especially helpful for people who struggle with traditional journaling formats. It can also be a way to overcome creative blocks and explore new ideas and perspectives.

Example Art Journal Entry

Date: May 12, 2022

Today, I decided to experiment with some mixed media art in my art journal. I started by collaging some old book pages onto the page, creating a textured background. Then, I used watercolors to paint over the top, blending different colors and creating a dreamy, abstract effect.

Next, I used some blank ink to add some hand-lettering to the page in big, block letters. The phrase that came to mind was “If not now, when?” This is a quote I’ve been thinking about for a long time, especially when it comes to sharing more of my artwork.

photo of artwork used in a creative journal

As I worked on the page, I felt my stress and worries melt away. It was like I was transported to another world, where creativity and play were the only things that mattered. I felt a sense of freedom and joy that I haven’t felt in a long time.

7. Mood Journal

A mood journal is a type of journaling that focuses on tracking and exploring your emotions and mental health. Mood journaling give you a way to monitor your mood patterns over time and gain insight into how certain activities, events, or situations impact your well-being.

In a mood journal, you can record your mood at different times throughout the day, using a scale from 1 to 10 or using descriptive words such as “happy,” “anxious,” or “irritable.” You can also record any triggers or factors that may have influenced your mood, such as sleep, exercise, stress, or social interactions.

By tracking your mood over time, you can begin to notice patterns and identify trends. For example, you may notice that you tend to feel more anxious after a night of poor sleep, or that you feel happier after spending time with friends or family.

A mood journal can be especially helpful for people who struggle with mood disorders, such as depression or anxiety. It can also be useful for anyone who wants to become more aware of their emotional patterns and learn strategies for managing their mood and improving their mental health.

Example Mood Journal Entry

August 18, 2022

Mood Chart

+ Intensity
I was late for work because of heavy traffic, and as soon as I walked into the office, my manager confronted me about being late.Anxiety, Level 8I felt my heart rate sky-rocket and immediately wanted to run to the bathroom and cry.Pause. Take a deep breath. Realize I don’t like being late, but the traffic was out of my control.

Today started off on a stressful note. I got stuck in heavy traffic on my way to work, and ended up arriving late. As soon as I walked into the office, my manager confronted me about my tardiness, which only added to my anxiety.

I felt my heart rate skyrocket and my palms start to sweat. All I wanted to do was run to the bathroom and cry. I hate being late, and I felt like I was already starting the day off on the wrong foot. As the day went on, my anxiety gradually subsided, and I was able to focus on my work and be productive.

Next time, I hope to remember to pause and take a few deep breaths while I remind myself that the traffic was out of my control. I couldn’t have predicted the delay, and I did the best I could under the circumstances. I also need to remember that being late once doesn’t make me a bad employee.

In the future, I’ll try to leave earlier to avoid getting stuck in traffic, but I also know that sometimes unexpected delays happen, and it’s important to be kind and patient with myself when they do.

Other notes:

  • Weather: Thunderstorms
  • Sleep: Last night, I was quite restless and had a hard time falling asleep.
  • Food + beverage intake: Had an extra cup of coffee late in the day yesterday. Perhaps that’s why I didn’t sleep well last night.

8. Goal-Setting Journaling

A goal-setting journal is a type of journaling that helps you identify and prioritize your goals, and create a plan of action to achieve them. This type of journal typically includes sections for outlining specific goals, breaking them down into smaller, achievable steps, tracking progress, and reflecting on successes and challenges. The goal of a journaling goals is to help you stay focused and motivated, and to provide a sense of accountability as you work towards your goals.

Example Goal Journal Entry

Date: September 14, 2022

Goal: Complete a 10k race in under an hour by the end of the year.

My “Why” for this Goal: I want to complete a 10k race in under an hour by the end of the year because I want to challenge myself, push my limits, and achieve something I’ve never done before.

Steps to Achieve Goal:

  1. Research training plans and choose one to follow.
  2. Purchase proper running gear, including new shoes and clothing.
  3. Begin training by running 3 times per week, gradually increasing distance and pace.
  4. Incorporate strength training and stretching into weekly routine.
  5. Sign up for a 5k race in the next 3 months as a benchmark.
  6. Increase distance and intensity of training leading up to the 10k race.
  7. Evaluate progress regularly and adjust training plan as necessary.
  8. Stay motivated by tracking progress and celebrating milestones along the way.

Obstacles I May Face:

  • Time constraints – work is busy and that may make it difficult to consistently train.
  • Mental barriers – such as lack of motivation or self-doubt, that may make it difficult to stay committed to training.
  • Inclement weather – such as heat, rain, or snow, that may impact training or race day conditions.

My Plan for Facing These Obstacles:

  • Schedule training sessions in advance and block off the time on the calendar to ensure that it is a priority.
  • Find a training partner or group for accountability and support.
  • Visualize success and celebrate progress along the way.
  • Plan for alternative training options, such as running on a treadmill or using an indoor track or gym.

9. Mindfulness Journal

A mindfulness journal is a type of journal used to cultivate awareness and presence in the moment. This journaling technique can help you practice mindfulness, which involves paying attention to the present moment without judgment.

A mindfulness journal typically includes prompts or exercises to guide you in reflecting on your thoughts, emotions, and sensations, and to encourage you to approach your experiences with curiosity and non-judgment. This type of journal can help reduce stress, increase self-awareness, and develop greater emotional resilience.

Example Mindfulness Journal Entry

Date: October 21, 2022

Today, I took a few minutes to practice mindfulness during my lunch break. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths, feeling the air fill my lungs and then releasing it slowly. As I focused on my breath, I noticed that my mind kept wandering to my to-do list for the rest of the day. I gently brought my attention back to my breath, reminding myself that the present moment is all that exists right now.

Then, I continued to breathe deeply, noticing the sensation of the air moving in and out of my body. I became aware of the sounds around me – the hum of the air conditioner, the chatter of coworkers in the break room. Rather than getting caught up in these distractions, I simply observed them and let them be.

As I continued to breathe, I noticed a sense of relaxation spreading throughout my body. I felt more grounded and centered, and I found that I was able to approach the rest of my work day with greater focus and clarity. I am grateful for this moment of mindfulness, and I look forward to incorporating more of it into my daily routine.

10. Nature Journal

A nature journal is a type of journal used to record observations and experiences related to the natural world. This journaling technique can be used to document things like plants, animals, weather patterns, landscapes, and more.

A nature journal can include written descriptions, sketches, photographs, and other forms of artistic expression. This type of journal is often used by nature enthusiasts, outdoor adventurers, and scientists, and can help individuals deepen their connection to the natural world, enhance their observational skills, and foster a sense of wonder and appreciation for the environment.

Example Nature Journal Entry

May 17, 2023

Today, I went for a hike at the nearby nature reserve and was struck by the abundance of wildflowers in bloom. As I walked along the trail, I noticed a field of vibrant blue, white, and red poppies swaying gently in the breeze. Their bright colors stood out against the green foliage and brown earth.

photo of wildflowers used in a nature journal

I stopped to take a closer look at the poppies, admiring the intricacy of their petals and the way they seemed to dance in the wind. I picked up my notebook and wrote down my observations, describing the shades of blue, the delicate white lines on the red petals, and the subtle variations in size and shape among the different flowers.

As I sat there, a bee buzzed by, drawn to the nectar in the poppies. I watched as it moved from flower to flower, its fuzzy body collecting pollen as it went. The sound of the bee’s wings was a gentle hum that added to the peaceful ambiance of the scene.

I took a moment to appreciate the beauty of this moment, feeling grateful for the opportunity to witness the simple yet extraordinary beauty of nature.

11. Dream Journal

A dream journal is a type of journal used to record and reflect on one’s dreams. This type of journal offers a place where you can write down the details of your dreams, including the people, places, and events that you remember.

The purpose of a dream journal is to help you better understand your dreams and gain insight into your subconscious mind. By keeping a record of your dreams, you may be able to identify patterns, themes, and symbols that are recurring in your dreams, which may provide clues to your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Additionally, a dream journal can serve as a creative outlet, allowing you to explore and express your imagination and emotions through writing.

Example Dream Journal Entry

Date: September 12, 2022

Dream Title: Flying Over the Ocean

Last night, I dreamed I was flying over the ocean, soaring through the sky with my arms outstretched. The sun was shining bright and the sky was a brilliant shade of blue. I felt a sense of freedom and exhilaration as I flew higher and higher. As I looked down, I could see the waves crashing against the shore and schools of fish swimming in the clear water. Suddenly, I felt a gust of wind and began to lose altitude. I panicked and flapped my arms frantically, trying to stay afloat. Just as I was about to crash into the water, I woke up.

  • Emotions: Excitement, fear, panic
  • Symbols: Ocean, flying, sun, blue sky, fish
  • Reflection: This dream felt very vivid and exhilarating, but also scary at times. I wonder what the flying and the ocean represent, and why I felt such a mix of emotions. It’s interesting that I was able to maintain some control over the dream, but then lost it at the end. Overall, this dream has left me feeling curious and introspective.

12. Prayer Journal

A prayer journal is a type of journal used to record and reflect on one’s prayers, as well as to document any answers or insights received. This type of journal can be a personal space for individuals to deepen their relationship with their faith or spirituality. A prayer journal may include a record of daily prayers, gratitude lists, spiritual reflections, and any significant events or experiences related to one’s spiritual journey. It can serve as a tool for mindfulness and connecting with a higher power.

Example Prayer Journal Entry

What am I praying for today?

  • Strength and guidance to make it through a difficult work project •
  • Healing and comfort for a friend who is going through a tough time
  • Gratitude for my family and loved ones

People to Pray For:

  • My friend, Sarah, who is struggling with her mental health
  • Those experiencing homelessness and insecurity

Short-Term Prayer Requests

  • That I would have a productive and fulfilling day today
  • That my sister’s job interview would go well tomorrow
  • That I would find peace and rest in the midst of stress and anxiety

Long-Term Prayer Requests

  • That I would continue to grow in my faith
  • That justice and peace would prevail in the world, and that all people would be treated with dignity and respect

Verse of the Day

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter.”
– Ecclesiastes 3:1

Blessings & Answered Prayer
Today, I am thankful for the support and encouragement of my friends and family, and for the beauty and wonder of nature. I am grateful for God’s love and provision in my life, and for answered prayers in the past week, including a positive outcome to a medical test and a renewed sense of hope and purpose.

13. Health Journal

A health journal is a type of journal where an individual can document and track their physical and mental health-related activities, behaviors, and symptoms. This type of journal helps identify patterns, triggers, and progress over time. Health journals can include a variety of entries, such as food intake, exercise routines, mood and energy levels, medication usage, and doctor appointments.

Example Health Journal Entry

March 9, 2023

Food and Drink Intake:

  • Breakfast: Greek yogurt with mixed berries and granola, black coffee
  • Snack: Apple slices with almond butter
  • Lunch: Spinach salad with chicken, avocado, cherry tomatoes, and balsamic vinaigrette
  • Snack: Carrot sticks with hummus
  • Dinner: Grilled salmon with roasted asparagus and quinoa
  • Dessert: One small square of dark chocolate


  • 30-minute jog outside


  • Mild headache in the afternoon (rated 2/10)

Mood and Energy:

  • Morning: Energized and motivated (rated 8/10)
  • Afternoon: Feeling a bit sluggish (rated 5/10)


  • Had trouble falling asleep last night, so felt a bit tired in the afternoon
  • Tried to drink more water today and felt more hydrated
  • Will take a warm bath before bed to help relax and improve sleep quality

14. Fitness Journal

A fitness journal is a type of journal where individuals track and record their physical fitness activities, including their workouts, progress, and goals. This type of journal is useful for keeping track of progress, monitoring changes, and staying motivated.

In a fitness journal, individuals can track their exercise routines, including the type of activity, duration, and intensity. They can also note any changes or improvements in their strength, endurance, or overall fitness level. Additionally, a fitness journal may include a nutrition log, where individuals can record their food intake and track their calorie and nutrient intake.

Example Fitness Journal Entry

March 9th, 2023


  • Warm-up: 5-minute jog on treadmill
  • Strength training: 3 sets of 10 reps of squats (50 lbs), bench press (60 lbs), and rows (40 lbs)
  • Cardio: 20 minutes on the stationary bike at level 8


  • Felt strong during the strength training portion, but cardio was a bit more challenging than usual.
  • Increased weights by 5 lbs on squats and bench press.
  • Need to focus on increasing endurance during cardio sessions.


  • Breakfast: Oatmeal with almond milk and banana
  • Snack: Greek yogurt with berries
  • Lunch: Grilled chicken salad with mixed greens, tomatoes, and avocado
  • Snack: Apple with almond butter
  • Dinner: Baked salmon with roasted vegetables

Overall, felt good about food choices today and stayed within daily calorie and nutrient goals.

15. Book Journal

A book journal is a type of journal where you can record your thoughts, opinions, and reflections on the books you read. This type of journal is a way to keep track of what you’ve read, what you liked or disliked about the book, and what you learned from it. A book journal can help you to become a more thoughtful reader and can be a great tool for personal growth and development.

Example Book Journal Entry

Title: The Great Gatsby
Author: F. Scott Fitzgerald
Date Started: March 5th, 2023
Date Finished: March 8th, 2023
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

photo of book cover used in a book journal

Synopsis: Set in the roaring 1920s, the novel follows the life of the mysterious millionaire Jay Gatsby, who throws lavish parties in hopes of winning back his lost love, Daisy Buchanan. Narrated by Nick Carraway, a friend of Gatsby’s, the story explores themes of love, wealth, and the American Dream.

Reflection: I absolutely loved reading “The Great Gatsby”! The descriptions of the parties were so vivid, and I could picture the extravagance and excess of the era perfectly. I was intrigued by the character of Gatsby and his unrelenting pursuit of Daisy, and found myself rooting for him despite his questionable past. The ending was both tragic and thought-provoking, and left me pondering the true nature of the American Dream. Overall, I would highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys historical fiction or stories about the pursuit of love and wealth.

16. Food Journal

A food journal is a type of journal that tracks what and how much food and drink one consumes over a given period of time. The purpose of a food journal is to help you become more aware of you eating habits and patterns, identify areas where you can improve your diet, and make more informed choices about your food intake.

Typically, a food journal includes details such as the type of food, portion size, time of day, and any accompanying thoughts or feelings about the food consumed. Food journals can be used for a variety of goals, such as weight loss, tracking food intolerances, or improving overall nutrition. A food journal might also include photos of your meals to add a visual record.

Example Food Journal Entry

March 9th, 2023


  • 1 cup of oatmeal with banana slices and blueberries (+ some dark chocolate)
  • 1 almond milk latte


  • 1 apple
  • 1 tablespoon of almond butter


  • Smoked salmon on toast with a poached egg
  • 1 cup of steamed broccoli
  • 1/2 cup of quinoa


  • 1 small container of Greek yogurt
  • 1 small handful of mixed nuts


  • Salad with grilled chicken, avocado, tomatoes, and cucumber
  • 1 small whole-grain roll


  • 1 small serving of mixed berries with whipped cream

Water intake: 8 cups

Overall, I feel pretty good about my food choices today. I made sure to include plenty of fruits and vegetables in my meals, and I also had a good balance of protein and carbohydrates. I did struggle a bit with cravings in the afternoon, but I managed to stick to healthy snacks instead of reaching for something sugary. One area where I could improve is my water intake – I only had 8 cups today, but I know I should aim for closer to 10. Overall, I’m happy with how I’m nourishing my body and I’ll aim to continue making healthy choices tomorrow.

17. Video Journal

A video journal is a type of journal where you record your thoughts, experiences, or daily activities in video format. This type of jouirnal can be a powerful tool for self-reflection, documenting memories, and creative expression. A video journal is similar to a traditional written journal, but instead of writing down thoughts and experiences, you capture them on video. Video journals can be kept privately or shared with others, and can be a fun and engaging way to document your life.

Some common uses of video journals include documenting travel experiences, reflecting on personal growth and development, and simply capturing everyday moments to look back on later. A video journal entry might include footage of you talking about your thoughts and feelings, showing your surroundings, and capturing memorable moments throughout the day. Some video journals may also include music, text, or other visual elements to enhance the overall storytelling experience.

Example Video Journal Entry

March 9th, 2023

Today was a really eventful day, and I wanted to capture some of my thoughts and feelings on camera.

This morning, I started off with a quick workout at the gym. I’m trying to make exercise a more consistent part of my routine, and it felt good to get my heart rate up and break a sweat. After my workout, I grabbed a smoothie from my favorite juice bar and headed into work.

Work was pretty hectic today, with lots of meetings and deadlines to manage. I found myself feeling a little stressed and overwhelmed at times, but I tried to take deep breaths and stay focused on the tasks at hand.

In the afternoon, I had a really productive call with a potential new client. I’ve been working on growing my business, and it feels great to see some progress and interest from potential partners.

After work, I met up with some friends for dinner at a new sushi restaurant in town. We shared lots of different rolls and sashimi plates, and it was fun to try new things and catch up with each other.

Now, as I’m wrapping up my day, I’m feeling pretty content. It was a full and productive day, but also had some moments of relaxation and fun. I’m looking forward to getting some rest and starting fresh tomorrow.

18. Manifestation Journal

A manifestation journal is a type of journal used for practicing the law of attraction and manifestation techniques. This type of journal is a tool for recording your desires, intentions, and goals in order to manifest them into reality. The idea behind a manifestation journal is that by focusing on what you want and visualizing it, you can attract it into your life.

In a manifestation journal, you can write down your goals and affirmations, visualize what you want, and record any synchronicities or signs that may come up along the way. It is also common to include gratitude practice in a manifestation journal, as being thankful for what you have can help attract more abundance into your life.

Example Work Journal Entry

March 9th, 2023

Today, I am focusing on manifesting a new job that aligns with my passions and purpose. I am grateful for all the skills and experiences I have gained from my current job, but I am ready for a new challenge and a fresh start.

Today’s Affirmation:
“I am deserving of a fulfilling and rewarding job that brings me joy and abundance. I trust that the universe is working in my favor to bring me the perfect opportunity.”


  • I visualize myself waking up each morning feeling excited and energized to go to work.
  • I see myself working alongside supportive and like-minded colleagues, using my talents and passions to make a positive impact.
  • I feel a sense of fulfillment and abundance that comes with doing work that I love.

Today, I am grateful for my current job and all the opportunities it has provided me. I am grateful for my skills and talents, and for the confidence to pursue my passions. I am also grateful for the signs and synchronicities that have been guiding me towards my next career move.

19. Work Journal

A work journal is a journal that focuses on the workplace and job-related activities. This type of journal can include anything from daily tasks and accomplishments to personal goals and reflections on job satisfaction. A work journal can be used to track progress, record challenges, and set goals for professional growth and development. It can also be used to improve productivity, increase self-awareness, and enhance communication with colleagues and supervisors.

Some common uses of a work journal include:

  • Task management: Keep track of daily tasks and deadlines, and prioritize tasks for the day, week, or month.
  • Goal setting: Set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for professional growth and development.
  • Reflection: Reflect on accomplishments and challenges, and identify areas for improvement.
  • Feedback: Record feedback from colleagues and supervisors, and use it to improve performance.
  • Self-care: Record self-care activities and strategies to maintain work-life balance and reduce stress (you can also do this in a self-care journal).
  • Professional development: Track progress on professional development goals, such as attending training sessions or workshops.

Example Work Journal Entry

Today’s Tasks:

  • Attend the weekly team meeting
  • Complete the budget report for Q1
  • Schedule a call with the client to discuss project status
  • Follow up with the vendor regarding the delayed shipment


  • The team meeting went well, and we were able to discuss the project status and address any concerns. I felt confident presenting the budget report and received positive feedback from my supervisor.
  • The call with our new client was rescheduled to Friday, which gives me more time to prepare and gather the necessary information.
  • The delayed shipment from the vendor has caused some frustration and delays in the project timeline, but I was able to communicate this to my supervisor and come up with a solution to minimize the impact.


  • Attend a project management training course next month
  • Improve communication with colleagues and clients by sending regular progress updates and feedback requests

Overall, it was a productive day, and I feel good about the progress I made on my tasks. I’m looking forward to implementing my professional development goals and improving my communication skills in the coming weeks.

20. Pregnancy Journal

A pregnancy journal is a type of journal used to document a pregnancy journey, including physical and emotional experiences, medical appointments, the baby’s growth and development, and preparations for childbirth and parenthood. This type of journal can serve as a keepsake for both the mother and the child, providing a way to look back on this special time in their lives.

Example Pregnancy Journal Entry

March 9, 2023

Weeks Pregnant: 20 weeks

Today, we went to our 20-week ultrasound appointment. We were both so excited and a bit nervous to see our little one on the screen. When the ultrasound technician started the scan, we saw our baby’s tiny fingers and toes, and even got to see them kicking and moving around! It was incredible to witness and made everything feel so much more real.

After the ultrasound, we met with my doctor who went over the results with us. I’m happy to report that our baby is healthy and growing right on track. We even got a printout of the ultrasound to take home with us, which we can’t stop looking at.

photo of sonogram used in a pregnancy journal

Baby’s Size: According to the pregnancy app, the baby is the size of an ear of corn!

Symptoms: I’ve been experiencing some lower back pain and occasional leg cramps. I also noticed that my appetite has increased lately.

Emotions: I’m feeling excited and nervous at the same time. The thought of becoming a parent is still sinking in, but I’m also looking forward to meeting my little one.

Overall, it’s been a great day filled with so much joy and excitement. I can’t wait to continue to document our journey in this pregnancy journal and look back on these special moments for years to come.

Notes: I need to start thinking about childbirth classes and making a birth plan. I also want to start looking for a pediatrician soon.

Wrapping Up

Ultimately, the goal of journaling is to cultivate greater self-awareness, reduce stress, and improve your overall well-being. By exploring different journaling examples, you can find the practices that work best for you and make journaling an enjoyable and rewarding part of your daily routine. The beauty of journaling is that it is a flexible and personal practice that can be adapted to suit your individual needs and preferences. Happy journaling!

About the Author

Kristen Webb Wright is the author of three books on journaling. With a passion for writing and self-reflection, Kristen uses her experience with journaling to help others discover the benefits of documenting their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. In her role at Day One, she helps to promote the power of journaling so people from all walks of life can experience the transformative power of journaling.

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